2019 Draft Animal-Power Field Days

October 4-6 at Shelburne Farms, Shelburne, VT

Thank you to all that made this event a success! See you in 2021!

2015 Draft Animal-Power Field Days

September 24-27, Cummington Fairgrounds, Cummington, MA

Here is what folks had to say about the 2015 event ...

“My favorite part of the event was being with “My People” and enjoying watching skilled teamsters. I also loved the Sunday morning obstacle class with both the horses and oxen – Wow!” – Reva Seybolt

“It’s difficult to pick a favorite part … seeing so many friends with their animals, hands-on opportunity, and putting faces together with the folks from the internet. Meeting new people. Just a great weekend ... I volunteered in the kitchen and supplied most of the paper products, etc. A good way to see everyone who attended. Amazed at the distance some folks traveled. Great turnout. ” – Robin Jurechko

“A weekend of good discussion, great animals, and awesome friends.” – Emily Langer

“The animals are great, but I really keep coming back for the people. So many hard-working, talented and humble people in one place is a real treat for me. Ever since the first event in 2007, it always feels like I am coming home, only home is but a brief weekend. Soak it up and enjoy it while it lasts. I am always reminded that there are still good people in this world that do amazing work, and that there is an endless amount to learn.” – Erika Marczak

“My experience at the DAPNet field days was a very fun and educational experience, even as an instructor. The 4 days I was there was filled with lots of well-trained animals and wonderful people. Being able to perform and teach successfully really was an inspiration for the beginning of my career, so a big thank you to all those that made it happen!” – Kaleigh Hamel